論文タイトルのテキスト解析 (RMeCab)
- タイトル中での出現頻度が高い語句は?
- タイトル中での出現頻度が増えている語句は?
- 各誌で掲載される論文の傾向は?
library(tidyverse) # ggplotとかdplyrとか
library(rvest) # webスクレイピング用
library(XML) # rvestで必要なので
library(stringr) # 文字列操作用
# 雑誌リスト
NP <- "1469-8137" #New Phytologist
PCE <- "1365-3040" # Plant, Cell & Environment
PJ <- "1365-313X" # The Plant Journal
PP <- "1399-3054" # Physiologia Plantarum
PB <- "1438-8677" # Plant Biology
# 作業用フォルダを作って移動
- 対象は前回同様、Wileyの植物系の5誌
- 各誌100号分のタイトルを取得
- 雑誌によって発行頻度が違うので、解析期間も違う
- 古いものだと1998年あたりのデータから解析
- 途中で雑誌名が代わっているものは、変更前を省略
- 各誌100号分のタイトルを取得
- 日本語形態素解析器MeCab1をR経由 (RMeCab2経由) で動かして、テキストマイニング
# 並列計算で5誌の100号をスクレイプ
title_list <-
pforeach(i = c(NP, PCE, PJ, PP, PB), .combine = bind_rows)({
extract_ISSN(ISSN = NP, number_parse = 100)
title_df <-
title_list %>%
tidyr::extract(col = title, into = c("title", "start", "end"), regex = "(.+)\\(pages(.+[0-9]+)–([0-9]+)") %>% # remove pages
tidyr::extract(col = issue_volume, into = c("vol", "issue"), regex = "([0-9]+).+([0-9]+)") %>% # separate volume and issue
tidyr::extract(col = date, into = c("month", "year"), regex = "([a-zA-Z]+).([0-9]+)") # separate month and year
# csvで保存
title_df %>%
write_csv(path = "./titles_scrape.csv")
3による並列計算が簡単で素晴らしい- scrape処理の並列化で実行時間がざっくり1/2
# 非並列計算
c(NP, PCE, PJ, PP, PB), function(i){
extract_ISSN(ISSN = i, number_parse = 5)
# user system elapsed
# 10.365 38.943 53.938
# 4コア並列計算
pforeach::pforeach(i = c(NP, PCE, PJ, PP, PB), .combine = bind_rows)({
extract_ISSN(ISSN = i, number_parse = 5)
# user system elapsed
# 5.508 15.315 24.520
- 品詞で解析とか、ステム (photosynthesis と photosynthetic のような関係性) の解析とか、気になるけど放置
- 英語タイトルの解析だからそもそもMeCab (日本語用) を使うのが愚かだった
- MeCabがファイルからしか解析できないので、一時ファイル出力、という感じ
titles <-
fread("./titles_scrape.csv") %>%
as_data_frame %>%
filter(!(journal %in% c("Acta Botanica Neerlandica", "Botanica Acta"))) %>% # 雑誌名の変更前のものを除く
mutate(title = tolower(title)) # 全て小文字に
# 品詞で解析したかったけど...
RemoveList <-
c("of", "in", "on", "to", "for", "by", "with", "from",
"at", "among", "but", "or", "into", "under", "via", "during",
"and", "is", "are", "as", "between", "that", "its", "their",
"the", "a", "an")
titles_grouped <-
titles %>%
group_by(journal, year) %>%
.$title %>%
paste(collapse = " ") %>%
data_frame(title = .)
titles_freqs <-
foreach(i = 1:dim(titles_grouped)[1], .combine = bind_rows) %do%
df_slice <-
titles_grouped[i, ]
# MeCabがファイルからしか解析できないので、一時ファイルを吐く
df_slice %$%
title %>%
write.table(file = "temp.txt", row.names = F, col.names = F)
# MeCabる
journal <- df_slice$journal
year <- df_slice$year
# 整える
result_mecab <-
"temp.txt" %>%
RMeCabFreq %>%
filter(Info1 != "記号", Info2 == "一般", !(Term %in% RemoveList)) %>%
mutate(journal = journal, year = year) %>%
select(term = Term, freq = Freq, journal, year) %>%
## file = temp.txt
## length = 846
## file = temp.txt
## length = 2084
## file = temp.txt
## length = 2066
## file = temp.txt
## length = 2221
## file = temp.txt
## length = 2243
## file = temp.txt
## length = 2339
## file = temp.txt
## length = 2520
## file = temp.txt
## length = 2618
## file = temp.txt
## length = 2719
## file = temp.txt
## length = 2766
## file = temp.txt
## length = 727
## file = temp.txt
## length = 798
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1047
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1212
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1227
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1163
## file = temp.txt
## length = 955
## file = temp.txt
## length = 918
## file = temp.txt
## length = 834
## file = temp.txt
## length = 946
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1091
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1165
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1001
## file = temp.txt
## length = 919
## file = temp.txt
## length = 147
## file = temp.txt
## length = 744
## file = temp.txt
## length = 730
## file = temp.txt
## length = 642
## file = temp.txt
## length = 760
## file = temp.txt
## length = 671
## file = temp.txt
## length = 689
## file = temp.txt
## length = 707
## file = temp.txt
## length = 730
## file = temp.txt
## length = 722
## file = temp.txt
## length = 796
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## length = 970
## file = temp.txt
## length = 923
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1067
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1030
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1062
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1031
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1267
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1058
## file = temp.txt
## length = 137
## file = temp.txt
## length = 592
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1008
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1281
## file = temp.txt
## length = 930
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1092
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1061
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1199
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1169
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1063
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1233
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1406
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1494
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1471
## file = temp.txt
## length = 174
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1002
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1948
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1896
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1971
## file = temp.txt
## length = 2005
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1958
## file = temp.txt
## length = 1403
# 解析結果をcsvで保存
titles_freqs %>%
write_csv(path = "titles_analyzed.csv")
- 解析期間を通しての出現回数のトップ30までの単語を表示、全単語をWordCloud化
- Arabidopsis thaliana (シロイヌナズナ) がつよい
- その他の固有名詞だと、riceくらい
- coはたぶんCO2
- lってなんだ、と思ったら、種名をつけたLinnéのL
- WordCloudはおしゃれだけど得られるものは少ない
- Arabidopsis thaliana (シロイヌナズナ) がつよい
freqs_all <-
titles_freqs %>%
group_by(term) %>%
summarise(freq = sum(freq))
# 出現総数TOP30
freqs_all %>%
arrange(desc(freq)) %>%
head(30) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = reorder(term, freq), y = freq)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
labs(x = "word")
# ワードクラウド
freqs_all %>%
arrange(desc(freq)) %>%
wordcloud2(size = .3, color = "lightgreen")
- 頻出30単語を抽出して、計時推移をプロット
- 総単語数 (上図) が増えているため、割合にして確認 (下図)
major_terms <-
freqs_all %>%
arrange(desc(freq)) %>%
head(30) %$%
# 年ごとの出現word総数
terms_per_year <-
titles_freqs %>%
filter(term %in% major_terms) %>%
group_by(year) %>%
summarise(total = sum(freq))
time_dat <-
titles_freqs %>%
filter(term %in% major_terms) %>%
group_by(year, term) %>%
summarise(freq = sum(freq)) %>%
left_join(., terms_per_year, by = "year") %>%
filter(year != "2017") %>% # 2017年はデータがまだ少ないので除外
mutate(freq_percent = freq / total) %>%
gather(category, freq, -year, -term) %>%
filter(category != "total")
# 経年推移
time_dat %>%
ggplot(aes(x = year, y = freq, col = term)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point() +
facet_grid(category ~ ., scale = "free")
- Arabidopsisの時代は過ぎた?
- 転換期 (2011年) 以降の推移を線形回帰 (雑) すると、genes・expressionも同時期に低下傾向
- 時代はstress応答 (stress・water・tolerance)
- 雑な解析ではあるが、感覚には即している
- この気運を状態空間モデルなんかで表現できると面白い
# 線形回帰でごり押し
time_dat %>%
filter(year > 2010, category == "freq_percent") %>%
rename(Term = term) %>%
group_by(Term) %>%
do(lm(data = ., formula = freq ~ year) %>% tidy) %>%
filter(term == "year") %>%
select(term = Term, increase = estimate, p = p.value) %>%
mutate(signif = if_else(p < 0.05, "*", "")) %>%
arrange(desc(increase)) %>%
term | increase | p | signif |
plant | 0.0036254 | 0.2317952 | |
stress | 0.0023209 | 0.0000007 | * |
species | 0.0015994 | 0.0664947 | |
effects | 0.0015518 | 0.0673976 | |
tolerance | 0.0014971 | 0.0803743 | |
acid | 0.0013253 | 0.0868604 | |
water | 0.0013107 | 0.2928148 | |
plants | 0.0012870 | 0.4527388 | |
l | 0.0012478 | 0.1174085 | |
leaf | 0.0003580 | 0.8030076 | |
root | 0.0003429 | 0.8327486 | |
response | 0.0003360 | 0.6385665 | |
rice | 0.0003153 | 0.8237002 | |
responses | 0.0002245 | 0.7495239 | |
gene | 0.0001728 | 0.8496393 | |
induced | 0.0001078 | 0.9237296 | |
light | 0.0000957 | 0.8911893 | |
protein | 0.0000807 | 0.9239947 | |
growth | -0.0000847 | 0.9332585 | |
analysis | -0.0000983 | 0.9274333 | |
co | -0.0001330 | 0.8662355 | |
cell | -0.0009685 | 0.2177663 | |
development | -0.0010298 | 0.6674606 | |
leaves | -0.0011214 | 0.1942427 | |
genes | -0.0011419 | 0.0486900 | * |
regulation | -0.0013069 | 0.3054110 | |
thaliana | -0.0015378 | 0.1778314 | |
expression | -0.0016671 | 0.0132805 | * |
role | -0.0017336 | 0.0901148 | |
arabidopsis | -0.0069762 | 0.0019724 | * |
# いくつの単語の最近のトレンドに注目
time_dat %>%
filter(term %in% c("genes", "expression", "tolerance", "water", "stress", "light", "temperature"),
year > 2010) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = year, y = freq, col = term)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point() +
facet_grid(category ~ ., scale = "free")
- 各誌の頻出単語を30位まで
- New Phytologistは他と毛色が違う
- 菌類 (fungal・mycorrhizal) 系の話が多い
- いわれてみると、菌との相互関係だとかbiome系の論文は最近よくみかける気がする
- が、まったく読んでない
- たまには読んでみよう
- root・soil・evolution・forestとスケールがでかい
- 菌類 (fungal・mycorrhizal) 系の話が多い
- Physiologia PlantarumとPCEは環境応答系に注力している
- tolerance・drought・water・light・CO2
- 光合成関係だとやっぱりこのふたつ
- The Plant Journalは完全にMolecularな感じ
- 個人的にはあまり読んでも楽しくない (分子細胞生物学に弱い) ので敬遠しがち
- Plant Biologyは傾向がとりづらい
- 良く言えば間口が広い、悪く言えば軸がぶれている
- 花粉系…? (pollen, pollination)
- New Phytologistは他と毛色が違う
titles_freqs %>%
group_by(journal, term) %>%
summarise(freq = sum(freq)) %>%
do(arrange(., desc(freq)) %>%
head(30) %>%
mutate(rank = 1:30)) %>%
ungroup %>%
transmute(journal, term = paste0(term, " (", freq, ")"), rank) %>%
spread(journal, term) %>%
rank | New Phytologist | Physiologia Plantarum | Plant Biology | Plant, Cell & Environment | The Plant Journal |
1 | plant (632) | stress (250) | l (201) | arabidopsis (338) | arabidopsis (725) |
2 | arabidopsis (395) | arabidopsis (181) | plant (201) | leaf (247) | protein (239) |
3 | species (271) | expression (177) | species (174) | stress (232) | gene (209) |
4 | plants (270) | plant (160) | plants (138) | plant (200) | plant (203) |
5 | root (238) | gene (142) | growth (109) | water (193) | thaliana (187) |
6 | leaf (210) | response (137) | arabidopsis (108) | growth (176) | development (182) |
7 | gene (203) | plants (133) | effects (106) | co (170) | rice (173) |
8 | carbon (177) | induced (131) | seed (95) | root (162) | cell (165) |
9 | evolution (174) | growth (116) | stress (95) | response (161) | expression (138) |
10 | mycorrhizal (172) | leaf (112) | gene (94) | tolerance (159) | genes (121) |
11 | growth (160) | tolerance (107) | expression (90) | c (152) | required (117) |
12 | thaliana (157) | leaves (104) | leaf (90) | responses (152) | analysis (105) |
13 | nitrogen (155) | drought (93) | two (84) | leaves (149) | genome (105) |
14 | co (154) | water (92) | different (82) | thaliana (147) | factor (104) |
15 | analysis (145) | acid (91) | analysis (74) | plants (138) | growth (100) |
16 | protein (145) | development (91) | development (72) | l (132) | transcription (99) |
17 | responses (141) | analysis (86) | genetic (71) | species (131) | involved (98) |
18 | soil (140) | rice (86) | cell (67) | photosynthesis (129) | biosynthesis (97) |
19 | cell (139) | effects (85) | response (67) | light (126) | response (95) |
20 | development (138) | responses (83) | pollen (66) | rice (126) | stress (95) |
21 | expression (137) | root (82) | pollination (66) | induced (125) | plants (90) |
22 | induced (137) | species (82) | variation (65) | expression (121) | role (90) |
23 | rice (132) | protein (81) | leaves (62) | acid (111) | root (90) |
24 | fungal (131) | cell (79) | water (62) | drought (110) | resistance (86) |
25 | response (130) | changes (79) | induced (61) | gene (102) | acid (84) |
26 | genetic (129) | characterization (78) | reproductive (61) | temperature (101) | auxin (83) |
27 | resistance (128) | high (78) | populations (58) | carbon (100) | proteins (82) |
28 | forest (125) | regulation (78) | responses (58) | signalling (98) | mediated (81) |
29 | roots (120) | genes (76) | germination (55) | regulation (95) | like (75) |
30 | tree (118) | temperature (75) | drought (54) | conductance (93) | signaling (75) |