
  • タイトル中での出現頻度が高い語句は?
  • タイトル中での出現頻度が増えている語句は?
  • 各誌で掲載される論文の傾向は?
library(tidyverse) # ggplotとかdplyrとか
library(rvest) # webスクレイピング用
library(XML) # rvestで必要なので
library(stringr) # 文字列操作用

# 雑誌リスト
NP <- "1469-8137" #New Phytologist
PCE <- "1365-3040"  # Plant, Cell & Environment
PJ <- "1365-313X" # The Plant Journal
PP <- "1399-3054" # Physiologia Plantarum
PB <- "1438-8677" # Plant Biology

# 作業用フォルダを作って移動


  • 対象は前回同様、Wileyの植物系の5誌
    • 各誌100号分のタイトルを取得
      • 雑誌によって発行頻度が違うので、解析期間も違う
      • 古いものだと1998年あたりのデータから解析
      • 途中で雑誌名が代わっているものは、変更前を省略
  • 日本語形態素解析器MeCab1をR経由 (RMeCab2経由) で動かして、テキストマイニング
# 並列計算で5誌の100号をスクレイプ
title_list <-
  pforeach(i = c(NP, PCE, PJ, PP, PB), .combine = bind_rows)({
    extract_ISSN(ISSN = NP, number_parse = 100)

title_df <-
  title_list %>%
  tidyr::extract(col = title, into = c("title", "start", "end"), regex = "(.+)\\(pages(.+[0-9]+)–([0-9]+)") %>% # remove pages
  tidyr::extract(col = issue_volume, into = c("vol", "issue"), regex = "([0-9]+).+([0-9]+)") %>% # separate volume and issue
  tidyr::extract(col = date, into = c("month", "year"), regex = "([a-zA-Z]+).([0-9]+)") # separate month and year

# csvで保存
title_df %>%
  write_csv(path = "./titles_scrape.csv")  
  • pforeach3による並列計算が簡単で素晴らしい
    • scrape処理の並列化で実行時間がざっくり1/2
# 非並列計算
    c(NP, PCE, PJ, PP, PB), function(i){
      extract_ISSN(ISSN = i, number_parse = 5)

 #   user  system elapsed 
 # 10.365  38.943  53.938 

# 4コア並列計算
  pforeach::pforeach(i = c(NP, PCE, PJ, PP, PB), .combine = bind_rows)({
    extract_ISSN(ISSN = i, number_parse = 5)

  #  user  system elapsed 
  # 5.508  15.315  24.520 


  • 品詞で解析とか、ステム (photosynthesis と photosynthetic のような関係性) の解析とか、気になるけど放置
  • 英語タイトルの解析だからそもそもMeCab (日本語用) を使うのが愚かだった
  • MeCabがファイルからしか解析できないので、一時ファイル出力、という感じ
titles <-
  fread("./titles_scrape.csv") %>%
  as_data_frame %>%
  filter(!(journal %in% c("Acta Botanica Neerlandica", "Botanica Acta"))) %>% # 雑誌名の変更前のものを除く
  mutate(title = tolower(title)) # 全て小文字に

# 品詞で解析したかったけど...
RemoveList <-
  c("of", "in", "on", "to", "for", "by", "with", "from",
    "at", "among", "but", "or", "into", "under", "via", "during",
    "and", "is", "are", "as", "between", "that", "its", "their", 
    "the", "a", "an")

titles_grouped <-
  titles %>%
  group_by(journal, year) %>%
    .$title %>%
    paste(collapse = " ") %>%
    data_frame(title = .)

titles_freqs <-
  foreach(i = 1:dim(titles_grouped)[1], .combine = bind_rows) %do%
    df_slice <-
      titles_grouped[i, ]

    # MeCabがファイルからしか解析できないので、一時ファイルを吐く
    df_slice %$%
      title %>%
      write.table(file = "temp.txt", row.names = F, col.names = F)
    # MeCabる
    journal <- df_slice$journal
    year <- df_slice$year
    # 整える
    result_mecab <-
      "temp.txt" %>%
      RMeCabFreq %>%
      filter(Info1 != "記号", Info2 == "一般", !(Term %in% RemoveList)) %>%
      mutate(journal = journal, year = year) %>%
      select(term = Term, freq = Freq, journal, year) %>%
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 846 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 2084 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 2066 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 2221 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 2243 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 2339 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 2520 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 2618 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 2719 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 2766 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 727 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 798 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1047 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1212 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1227 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1163 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 955 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 918 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 834 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 946 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1091 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1165 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1001 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 919 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 147 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 744 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 730 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 642 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 760 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 671 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 689 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 707 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 730 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 722 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 796 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 970 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 923 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1067 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1030 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1062 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1031 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1267 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1058 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 137 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 592 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1008 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1281 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 930 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1092 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1061 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1199 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1169 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1063 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1233 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1406 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1494 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1471 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 174 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1002 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1948 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1896 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1971 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 2005 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1958 
## file = temp.txt 
## length = 1403
# 解析結果をcsvで保存
titles_freqs %>%
  write_csv(path = "titles_analyzed.csv")



  • 解析期間を通しての出現回数のトップ30までの単語を表示、全単語をWordCloud化
    • Arabidopsis thaliana (シロイヌナズナ) がつよい
      • その他の固有名詞だと、riceくらい
    • coはたぶんCO2
    • lってなんだ、と思ったら、種名をつけたLinnéのL
    • WordCloudはおしゃれだけど得られるものは少ない
freqs_all <-
  titles_freqs %>%
  group_by(term) %>%
  summarise(freq = sum(freq))

# 出現総数TOP30
freqs_all %>%
  arrange(desc(freq)) %>%
  head(30) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(term, freq), y = freq)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(x = "word")

plot of chunk graphs

# ワードクラウド
freqs_all %>%
  arrange(desc(freq)) %>%
  wordcloud2(size = .3, color = "lightgreen")

plot of chunk graphs


  • 頻出30単語を抽出して、計時推移をプロット
    • 総単語数 (上図) が増えているため、割合にして確認 (下図)
major_terms <-
  freqs_all %>%
  arrange(desc(freq)) %>%
  head(30) %$%

# 年ごとの出現word総数
terms_per_year <-
  titles_freqs %>%
  filter(term %in% major_terms) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(total = sum(freq))

time_dat <-
  titles_freqs %>%
  filter(term %in% major_terms) %>%
  group_by(year, term) %>%
  summarise(freq = sum(freq)) %>%
  left_join(., terms_per_year, by = "year") %>%
  filter(year != "2017") %>%  # 2017年はデータがまだ少ないので除外
  mutate(freq_percent = freq / total) %>%
  gather(category, freq, -year, -term) %>%
  filter(category != "total")

# 経年推移
time_dat %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = freq, col = term)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(category ~ ., scale = "free")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

  • Arabidopsisの時代は過ぎた?
    • 転換期 (2011年) 以降の推移を線形回帰 (雑) すると、genes・expressionも同時期に低下傾向
    • 時代はstress応答 (stress・water・tolerance)
      • 雑な解析ではあるが、感覚には即している
      • この気運を状態空間モデルなんかで表現できると面白い
# 線形回帰でごり押し
time_dat %>%
  filter(year > 2010, category == "freq_percent") %>%
  rename(Term = term) %>%
  group_by(Term) %>%
  do(lm(data = ., formula = freq ~ year) %>% tidy) %>%
  filter(term == "year") %>%
  select(term = Term, increase = estimate, p = p.value) %>%
  mutate(signif = if_else(p < 0.05, "*", "")) %>%
  arrange(desc(increase)) %>%
term increase p signif
plant 0.0036254 0.2317952  
stress 0.0023209 0.0000007 *
species 0.0015994 0.0664947  
effects 0.0015518 0.0673976  
tolerance 0.0014971 0.0803743  
acid 0.0013253 0.0868604  
water 0.0013107 0.2928148  
plants 0.0012870 0.4527388  
l 0.0012478 0.1174085  
leaf 0.0003580 0.8030076  
root 0.0003429 0.8327486  
response 0.0003360 0.6385665  
rice 0.0003153 0.8237002  
responses 0.0002245 0.7495239  
gene 0.0001728 0.8496393  
induced 0.0001078 0.9237296  
light 0.0000957 0.8911893  
protein 0.0000807 0.9239947  
growth -0.0000847 0.9332585  
analysis -0.0000983 0.9274333  
co -0.0001330 0.8662355  
cell -0.0009685 0.2177663  
development -0.0010298 0.6674606  
leaves -0.0011214 0.1942427  
genes -0.0011419 0.0486900 *
regulation -0.0013069 0.3054110  
thaliana -0.0015378 0.1778314  
expression -0.0016671 0.0132805 *
role -0.0017336 0.0901148  
arabidopsis -0.0069762 0.0019724 *
# いくつの単語の最近のトレンドに注目
time_dat %>%
  filter(term %in% c("genes", "expression", "tolerance", "water", "stress", "light", "temperature"),
         year > 2010) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = freq, col = term)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(category ~ ., scale = "free")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6


  • 各誌の頻出単語を30位まで
    • New Phytologistは他と毛色が違う
      • 菌類 (fungal・mycorrhizal) 系の話が多い
        • いわれてみると、菌との相互関係だとかbiome系の論文は最近よくみかける気がする
        • が、まったく読んでない
        • たまには読んでみよう
      • root・soil・evolution・forestとスケールがでかい
    • Physiologia PlantarumとPCEは環境応答系に注力している
      • tolerance・drought・water・light・CO2
      • 光合成関係だとやっぱりこのふたつ
    • The Plant Journalは完全にMolecularな感じ
      • 個人的にはあまり読んでも楽しくない (分子細胞生物学に弱い) ので敬遠しがち
    • Plant Biologyは傾向がとりづらい
      • 良く言えば間口が広い、悪く言えば軸がぶれている
      • 花粉系…? (pollen, pollination)
titles_freqs %>%
  group_by(journal, term) %>%
  summarise(freq = sum(freq)) %>%
  do(arrange(., desc(freq)) %>%
       head(30) %>%
       mutate(rank = 1:30)) %>%
  ungroup %>%
  transmute(journal, term = paste0(term, " (", freq, ")"), rank) %>%
  spread(journal, term) %>%
rank New Phytologist Physiologia Plantarum Plant Biology Plant, Cell & Environment The Plant Journal
1 plant (632) stress (250) l (201) arabidopsis (338) arabidopsis (725)
2 arabidopsis (395) arabidopsis (181) plant (201) leaf (247) protein (239)
3 species (271) expression (177) species (174) stress (232) gene (209)
4 plants (270) plant (160) plants (138) plant (200) plant (203)
5 root (238) gene (142) growth (109) water (193) thaliana (187)
6 leaf (210) response (137) arabidopsis (108) growth (176) development (182)
7 gene (203) plants (133) effects (106) co (170) rice (173)
8 carbon (177) induced (131) seed (95) root (162) cell (165)
9 evolution (174) growth (116) stress (95) response (161) expression (138)
10 mycorrhizal (172) leaf (112) gene (94) tolerance (159) genes (121)
11 growth (160) tolerance (107) expression (90) c (152) required (117)
12 thaliana (157) leaves (104) leaf (90) responses (152) analysis (105)
13 nitrogen (155) drought (93) two (84) leaves (149) genome (105)
14 co (154) water (92) different (82) thaliana (147) factor (104)
15 analysis (145) acid (91) analysis (74) plants (138) growth (100)
16 protein (145) development (91) development (72) l (132) transcription (99)
17 responses (141) analysis (86) genetic (71) species (131) involved (98)
18 soil (140) rice (86) cell (67) photosynthesis (129) biosynthesis (97)
19 cell (139) effects (85) response (67) light (126) response (95)
20 development (138) responses (83) pollen (66) rice (126) stress (95)
21 expression (137) root (82) pollination (66) induced (125) plants (90)
22 induced (137) species (82) variation (65) expression (121) role (90)
23 rice (132) protein (81) leaves (62) acid (111) root (90)
24 fungal (131) cell (79) water (62) drought (110) resistance (86)
25 response (130) changes (79) induced (61) gene (102) acid (84)
26 genetic (129) characterization (78) reproductive (61) temperature (101) auxin (83)
27 resistance (128) high (78) populations (58) carbon (100) proteins (82)
28 forest (125) regulation (78) responses (58) signalling (98) mediated (81)
29 roots (120) genes (76) germination (55) regulation (95) like (75)
30 tree (118) temperature (75) drought (54) conductance (93) signaling (75)


3Rで超簡単に並列処理を書けるパッケージ pforeach を作った