近年のトレンドを追いかける意味も込めて、web scrapingした


  • UIが好みなので、Wileyの雑誌からタイトルを抜き出す
  • 今回はrvestに慣れるため、自分でコードを作成
    • ここ1とかここ2を踏まえると、出版社に依らず全文献情報を解析できる (はず)
library(tidyverse) # ggplotとかdplyrとか
library(rvest) # webスクレイピング用
library(XML) # rvestで必要なので
## Warning: package 'XML' was built under R version 3.3.2
library(stringr) # 文字列操作用



  1. ISSNからcurrent issueページへ遷移する
  2. 同ページから、タイトルを取得する
  3. previous issueページへ遷移する
  4. 2–3を繰り返し、適当な数のタイトルを取得
  • ここ3を参考にしつつ、2と3を実装
    • current issueページを起点に、掲載論文のタイトルを取得
    • previous issueページのURLを抽出
extract_titles <-
    html_issue <- 
      issue_url %>%
    # 雑誌名、出版年月、巻号を取得。
    journal <-
      html_issue %>%
      html_nodes("h1#productTitle") %>% # タグがh1, IDがproductTitle
    date <-
      html_issue %>%
      html_nodes("h2.noMargin") %>% # タグがh2, クラスがnoMargin
    issue_volume <-
      html_issue %>%
      html_nodes("p.issueAndVolume") %>% # タグがp, クラスがissueAndVolume
    # タイトル一覧を抽出
    titles_issue <-
      html_issue %>%
      # タグがdiv, クラスがcitation.tocArticle以下のaタグのついた要素を抜き出す
      html_nodes("div.citation.tocArticle a") %>%
      html_text %>%
      data_frame(title = .) %>%
      # いくつか余計な要素が含まれているので、文字列の一致不一致で抽出箇所を限定する
      filter(str_detect(title, "pages")) %>% # extract titles
      filter(!str_detect(title, "Issue Information")) %>% # exclude issue info
      mutate(journal = journal,
             date = date,
             issue_volume = issue_volume)

    # 該当Issueの1号前のIssueのTOCのURLを取得する
    previous_url <-
      html_issue %>%
      html_nodes("a.previous") %>% # タグがa, クラスがprevious
      html_attr("href") %>% # href (URLリンク) 要素を抽出
      paste0("http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/", .)
    return(list(titles_issue, previous_url))
  • フローの1を実装
    • ISSNからcurrent issueページへのURLリンクを抽出
    • extract_titles関数を再帰的にあてる
      • closureが未だに使えないのでコードがひどい
extract_ISSN <-
  function(ISSN, number_parse = 10){
    # get Current issue URL from ISSN
    current_url <-
      paste0("http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)", ISSN, "/issues") %>%
      read_html %>%
      html_nodes("a#currentIssueLink") %>%
      html_attr("href") %>%
      paste0("http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/", .)

    lapply(1:number_parse, function(i){
      extract_titles(current_url) %>%
          current_url <<- .[[2]] # 親環境で結果を保存
          cat("ISSN", ISSN, "; finish: volume", i, "\n", sep = "")
          .[[1]] %>% return


  • 複数のISSNを与えてWiley系のいくつかの雑誌からタイトルを抽出する
    • 最近よく見る{purrr}4がなかなか
      • 入れ子状のデータ構造につよい
    • 正規表現+tidyr::extractの使い勝手がよい
      • r-wakalangでちら見したヤツ
NP <- "1469-8137" #New Phytologist
PCE <- "1365-3040"  # Plant, Cell & Environment
PJ <- "1365-313X" # The Plant Journal
PP <- "1399-3054" # Physiologia Plantarum
PB <- "1438-8677" # Plant Biology

title_list <-
  lapply(c(NP, PCE, PJ, PP, PB), function(i) extract_ISSN(ISSN = i, number_parse = 3))
## ISSN1469-8137; finish: volume1
## ISSN1469-8137; finish: volume2
## ISSN1469-8137; finish: volume3
## ISSN1365-3040; finish: volume1
## ISSN1365-3040; finish: volume2
## ISSN1365-3040; finish: volume3
## ISSN1365-313X; finish: volume1
## ISSN1365-313X; finish: volume2
## ISSN1365-313X; finish: volume3
## ISSN1399-3054; finish: volume1
## ISSN1399-3054; finish: volume2
## ISSN1399-3054; finish: volume3
## ISSN1438-8677; finish: volume1
## ISSN1438-8677; finish: volume2
## ISSN1438-8677; finish: volume3
# これだとエラー
# title_list %>%
#   dplyr::bind_rows 
# 入れ子リストだから

# purrr::flatten_XXXだと一発
# {purrr}はまだしっくり来てないがつよい  

title_df <-
  title_list %>%
  flatten_df %>%
  tidyr::extract(col = title, into = c("title", "start", "end"), regex = "(.+)\\(pages(.+[0-9]+)–([0-9]+)") %>% # remove pages
  tidyr::extract(col = issue_volume, into = c("vol", "issue"), regex = "([0-9]+).+([0-9]+)") %>% # separate volume and issue
  tidyr::extract(col = date, into = c("month", "year"), regex = "([a-zA-Z]+).([0-9]+)") # separate month and year



title_df %>%
  arrange(title) %>%
  head(20) %>%
title start end journal month year vol issue
14-3-3 protein mediates plant seed oil biosynthesis through interaction with AtWRI1 228 235 The Plant Journal October 2016 88 2
A consortium of non-rhizobial endophytic microbes from Typha angustifolia functions as probiotic in rice and improves nitrogen metabolism 938 946 Plant Biology November 2016 18 6
A global meta-analysis of soil phosphorus dynamics after afforestation 181 192 New Phytologist January 2017 213 1
A grapevine cytochrome P450 generates the precursor of wine lactone, a key odorant in wine 264 274 New Phytologist January 2017 213 1
A liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry platform for the analysis of phyllobilins, the major degradation products of chlorophyll in Arabidopsis thaliana 505 518 The Plant Journal November 2016 88 3
A multilevel investigation to discover why Kandelia candel thrives in high salinity 2486 2497 Plant, Cell & Environment November 2016 39 1
A putative molybdate transporter LjMOT1 is required for molybdenum transport in Lotus japonicus 331 340 Physiologia Plantarum November 2016 158 3
A roadmap for improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models 22 42 New Phytologist January 2017 213 1
A user-friendly means to scale from the biochemistry of photosynthesis to whole crop canopies and production in time and space – development of Java WIMOVAC 51 55 Plant, Cell & Environment January 2017 40 1
ABNORMAL VASCULAR BUNDLES regulates cell proliferation and procambium cell establishment during aerial organ development in rice 275 286 New Phytologist January 2017 213 1
Accumulation of sugars in the xylem apoplast observed under water stress conditions is controlled by xylem pH 2350 2360 Plant, Cell & Environment November 2016 39 1
Activation tagging in indica rice identifies ribosomal proteins as potential targets for manipulation of water-use efficiency and abiotic stress tolerance in plants 2440 2459 Plant, Cell & Environment November 2016 39 1
Adaptive evolution and functional innovation of Populus-specific recently evolved microRNAs 206 219 New Phytologist January 2017 213 1
Aging and/or tissue-specific regulation of patchoulol and pogostone in two Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth. cultivars 272 283 Physiologia Plantarum November 2016 158 3
Alistair M. Hetherington 48 49 New Phytologist January 2017 213 1
Altered expression of the bZIP transcription factor DRINK ME affects growth and reproductive development in Arabidopsis thaliana 437 451 The Plant Journal November 2016 88 3
Alternating temperature combined with darkness resets base temperature for germination (Tb) in photoblastic seeds of Lippia and Aloysia (Verbenaceae) 41 45 Plant Biology January 2017 19 1
Alternative oxidase respiration maintains both mitochondrial and chloroplast function during drought 560 571 New Phytologist January 2017 213 2
Aluminium effects on mechanical properties of cell wall analogues 382 388 Physiologia Plantarum December 2016 158 4
Amelioration of drought tolerance in wheat by the interaction of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria 992 1000 Plant Biology November 2016 18 6


  • 流行り単語
  • 経時トレンド
  • 雑誌ごとの特徴


1StanでLDA: wordcloudクラスタリング
2How to Search PubMed with RISmed package in R